Robert’s Catalog

Audio Program Download

Relationship Health

52-minute digital audio program

“Love my partner ~ Hate my partner”

Audio Program Download

How To End Stress

39-minute digital audio program

Audio Program Download

Get Motivated

Create a Compelling Future

56-minute digital audio program

Audio Program Download


A Guided Integration Plus a Heart Journey

65-minute digital audio program

Audio Program Download

Build Your Inner Team

Stop Stress at the Source

30-minute digital audio program

Audio Program Download

Emotional Management

How To Respond to Criticism

35 minute audio program

Audio Program Download

Sage Advice

Access Financial Wisdom At The Source.

31 minute audio program

Audio Program Download

Good Mother, Bad Mother

31 minute digital download (.mp3)

Audio Program Download


Stop Guilt and Shame At The Source

38-minute digital audio download (.mp3)

Audio Program Download

Freedom From Cancer

38 minute digital download (.mp3)

Audio Program Download

Heart of the Heart

38 minute digital download (.mp3)

Audio Program Download

Financial Freedom

~ Love Money & Hate Money ~

Do you have an issue with money? Have you tried to accept prosperity and abundance in your life, and yet it somehow slips away or just never seems to happen? Do you want financial freedom? Maybe you’re thinking, “But, I don’t hate money!” Then consider your feelings about being responsible for money, your childhood beliefs about money, and your ability to say “No” to throwing your money away. Dr. Robert’s integration process will give you the opportunity to rise to a higher level. Use this method whenever you feel stuck. This digital audio program will be your friend, helping you to establish higher self-esteem, clearing away roadblocks to greater wealth, and making you more aware of creative ways to bring abundance into your life.

42 minute digital audio download.

Healing Yes, Healing No

Healing Yes, Healing No

~Open Yourself to Health~

Your health is of utmost importance.  Are you ready to open yourself to health physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually? It takes a lot of energy to go back and forth between Yes and No!

We recommend this audio program for anyone experiencing an unresolved health issue.  Of course there is a part of you that says “Yes” to what you want, your healing, and your well being.  Yet, the truth is, you don’t have what you want.  Since every part of you is in love with you, there is a positive purpose behind the existence of both the Healing Yes and the Healing No parts of you.  That’s right, even the part of you that says “No” to your healing wants something for your benefit, something of great value.

This is an opportunity for you to have a conversation with both parts, learn their value and allow an inner integration to give birth to a new way of supporting you for your highest good!

44 minute digital audio download (.mp3)

Audio Program Download

The Father-Yes, Father-No

Do you struggle with success? Are you afraid to stand up for yourself and tell the truth? Are you afraid of confrontation?

Do you want more success in business, in relationships?

How about the ability to set goals, stay focused, get the job done?

Even being a stronger, better father?

Struggles with the “father” or rejection of the “father function” are often roadblocks to success. In this audio program, Dr. Robert will help you get beyond old limitations. Now you can lovingly address conscious and unconscious issues about your father and the masculine, general “father function”. With this method, you will experience the opportunity to receive the positive gifts of the masculine within you. Get focused and get on with your life.

The End of Anxiety

42 minute audio download

Audio Program Download

Awaken Your Authentic Self

~I Want to Live – I Want to Die~

In each of us, there is a part that wants to live.  And, at the same time, there is often a part of us that wants to die.  As long as we are breathing, there is a part that wants us to live fully and well.  Yet, almost everyone knows the simultaneous feeling of hopelessness and even apathy that can emerge for various reasons.  In this audio program, Dr. Robert offers you the opportunity to find the deeper meanings, and even gifts, of each of these parts and provides a context where these parts can integrate, giving birth to something new, something better, something beyond all that has been experienced before.  This is an opportunity to awaken your authentic self, the good, the true and the beautiful, which can only be found within.

35-minute digital audio download

Audio Program Download

The Forgive The Un-Forgivable

Are you currently unable to forgive a painful experience or person?

Are you looking to finally find peace with experiences and people after years of failure?

“Forgiveness occurs when we let go of our demand that the source of the our pain change.” Dr. Robert

“During Dr. Robert Dee McDonald’s 30-minute forgiveness process, I completely forgave my ex-daughter-in-law and healed a 13-year hatred. Afterward, I told her how much I loved her. To anyone else this forgiveness would probably seem impossible. My daughter couldn’t imagine it happening in her lifetime. Since this process, I have a better attention span, better retention, better sleep, and a much lighter heart. There are no words to thank you enough.”

Jill Sorenson, Southern California

This process is your opportunity to find the positive intention of the part of you that wants to forgive, and the positive intention of the part of you that doesn’t want to forgive.  Dr. Robert will guide you in profound self-discovery.  You will find that each part of you wants something fundamentally valuable and good.  Then, you will integrate the parts and go to an even deeper level of consciousness.

Using this method, our clients have finally found peace with painful experiences and specific people, after years of failure to let go. It’s a good practice to make a list of what you haven’t forgiven, and then listen to this audio program for each issue, one at a time. It is so good!